How moving from excel to Fathom gave clients a greater understanding of their numbers.

How using customisable visuals in Fathom reports made financial information more accessible to clients without a finance background.

How Fathom has helped to take away client anxiety, transformed that glazed-over look in clients’ eyes and showcased the value of the advisor role.

How moving from excel to Fathom gave clients a greater understanding of their numbers.

A summary of the notable industry events in early 2024 across regions.

Learn how to break down the communication barrier and enable rich two-way discussions with clients.

Learn how scenario planning can help businesses to identify potential risks, stay agile, and build resilience into their growth plans.

Meet Amplify founder, Ben Cooper, and hear how he is using Fathom’s forecasting tool to accelerate his clients’ business.

Replace ad-hoc engagements with structured, standardised services that deliver more value. In this article from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Darren Van Zyl CA shares some real-world advice on how to shift from a reactive, client-led approach to an adviser-led model.

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